Thursday, March 06, 2008

“Ay! Sound Table diay!”

I just had my first taste of what my mission in school is all about.

My block mates were gathering in “Timberland” reviewing their notes, preparing for the next exam. A few of my high school batch mates were sitting beside us. We greeted, talked and updated each other. While talking about school life, Alon who was an active member of XU high’s music club mentioned his desire to unify all bands in Xavier U. I immediately interrupted by saying the word “Sound box!” (A student org of bands which was suspended 3 years ago if I’m not mistaken, the org was mentioned by Mae in one of our casual talks which captured my interest). He sarcastically corrected me that it was “Sound table”. The sudden twist of name made me laugh. After that momentary laugh break, the talk made me excited because this was one org I’m hoping to revive but can’t find the exact people to share the efforts and now I’m talking to one! The ball started to roll. I already mentioned the possibility of reviving it to Sir Ivan, the Student Activities Development Coordinator a week earlier and he is willing to review its recognition papers. It seems like the pieces of the puzzle for Sound Table are falling into place. I now have the people, the next move is to have the ideas, then gather the students again to consult on a new concept paper and then follow it up with technical support. In the entire technical labyrinth we are set to enter for us to accomplish this aim, it is where I found campus democracy at its best. It is gathering ordinary students who, if given an opportunity to get involved can do extraordinary things like create and organization. This is grassroots involvement in action - The humble beginnings of an org.

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