Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2012: The year end review

As an annual tradition, I would like to recall and reflect upon the major highlights and events that shaped my 2012.

As a start, 2012 was a transition year. It is the times were learning curves, relationships, and world views were put into focus.

I finally finished a whole school year in the College of Law. It was an experience that stretched my intellectual muscle but I can fairly say that I did well if grades would be the sole indicator. It made me realize that the most difficult part in law school is the habit forming period – that is the freshman year. This is essentially where you put up a strong foundation in terms of study habits, perspectives, associations, and world view in the study of the law. Also, this is the time were I could affirm the decision of entering Law school, forgoing all other opportunities at this point in my life was the right decision. The motivation of my study is traceable to threads of experiences going as far back as grade school and this just fuels me to do good even more.  

In a way, this is also a year where I appropriated my sense of love and care to people. I realized that building relationships is no joke. It is not random but it should be determined. It takes a core understanding of yourself to strengthen the bonds of friendships to all people that you have the honour to meet and befriend.

XUCLA Internship. Also this year marks the start of my internship of the Xavier University Legal Assistance. This is a manifestation of my desire to build an alternative law career in the future. My blog is scattered with entries relating to this engagement. I also went to CARAGA region for the first time. It was an amazing place. A whole new world opened up before me with amazing and exotic natural wonders.

Talks talks talks. I thought before that once I’m done with my extra-curricular engagements in undergraduate school, I would also graduate from “giving talks”. I am quite honoured that till now, networks of friends and student leaders still ask me to give a sharing or two about things that I guess I have a deep grasp on – student governance. This topic that I keep on sharing, I hope would evolve into something more relevant and action oriented as my experience broadens.

Honour to share academic tips to freshmen. I consider it a great honor to talk before the freshmen year on academic tips in law school. This is really consider a highlight because I felt unfit to even prepare the talk.

New Neighbours. Having sendong survivors as neighbours brought our whole family into a deeper appreciation of life and what it is to rebuild. Our home in Indahag as attracted several children where some of them plays there and works there, thank you in part of my auntie who is very friendly to children.

Complete Christmas. Nothing beats a good Christmas celebration with a complete family. My brother went home for the holidays and boy did we celebrate.

We enter 2013 more hopeful and more determined to do more, love more, and serve more.  

2010: http://www.republikaneri.blogspot.com/2010_12_01_archive.html2009: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=2305817058952008: http://republikaneri.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2008-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max=2009-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results=502007: http://republikaneri.blogspot.com/2007/12/bias-year-end-review-2007-my-life-year.html2006: http://republikaneri.blogspot.com/2006/12/happy-new-year.html


Unknown said...

i truly admire this piece!

Unknown said...

i truly admire this piece!