Monday, April 13, 2015

It will never be finished

Thank You Lord. The dedication of volunteers around us inflame our hearts more to give. This kind of work is never easy I suppose. It entails a lot of heart-work and a consistent rechecking of values. You have this set of ideals being constantly tested by an oftentimes uncooperative and unreflective reality. but we continue to move forward and build better because we know its value and its importance in itself. We do it because it is important. And as we immerse in this field, a truth simply reveals itself: that this world is unfinished - and it will never be finished. That is the whole beauty of it i guess. We do not know where our efforts will lead but we are sure that in this moment, we are attempting to live out the fullness of our humanity through service - though private individuals, we labor to build what we believe is an important public good - the common good - be it in the form of advocacy work, care for the sick, or a simple performance survey. There is meaning. There is joy. That is all we ask for in this world.

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