Friday, June 13, 2014

Encounter the Law

Greetings Freshies!

On behalf of the Association of Law Students, welcome to XAVIER LAW!

We understand the jitters and anxiety that comes with this day. Undeniably still, there is also a feeling of excitement dancing inside you. This familiar mix of feelings will linger for the next few days as you settle yourself in this new world.  Be wise. Use that feeling of anxiety to drive you to study harder and smarter and use that feeling of excitement and possibility to connect and engage. 

Law school is a journey like no other. It has been the stuff of movies and legends – as well as jokes and meme. And now finally, you can experience it first hand. It is your experience to define. But if there is one word that I must emphasize, it is ENCOUNTER. Encounter the law. Do not just read and memorize the black print. Encounter its spirit, its history, and its purpose. Understand that the law is a recorded conversation of the collective conscience shaped by the perception of man tested by time and the fruit of our desire to attain fairness and justice in this mortal world.  Such lofty words but it brings you to the realization that what you are about to learn is a cornerstone of our humanity and our civilization. Embrace this and you will be fascinated and you will see more than just words.

The Association of Law Students hopes to be an enabler and facilitator of such encounter. We do not only endeavor to best deliver the traditional set of activities but we hope to bring more meaning in your studies by providing activities that bring the social dimension and public value of legal studies into full light.  

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

The Anatomy of Barangay Youth Federations

Barangay Youth Federations are community-based organizations that are composed of smaller organizations representing a zone or sitio (a administrative division of a barangay). The federation therefore acts as the umbrella organization of the sitio/puork/zone youth organizations, which is its base. They are officially recognized by the barangay as its partner in facilitating youth concern and action.

This form of youth organization has slowly risen as an alternative form of youth participation and representation in barangay governance in the advent of the SK suspension. In Cagayan de Oro City, we have seen a considerable rise of barangay youth federations in the major barangays. Former SK leaders or Barangay Kagawad in charge of youth affairs mainly facilitated its creation.

This organic form holds several advantages namely:

1.     Its grassroots reach. Since each sitio or zone is represented, there is broader representation among the youth. Youth leaders can easily mobilize and communicate concerns and action since their members are living in close proximity to one another.

2.     Greater age bracket. Unlike SK, which has a smaller age window (15-18), youth federations are generally accept members raging from 15-30 years old (NYC definition of youth). This age variation offers a rich opportunity to diffuse knowledge and train successors.

3.     Volunteerism is emphasized. There is no form of salary given as remuneration in this case. It is simply propelled by the desire to participate in barangay governance. Resources needed by the organizations are mainly derived from the SK fund, membership dues or fund raising activities.

4.     Leadership flexibility. The leadership of the federation is more fluid and dynamic. It does not entail massive spending for elections since the election of a federation president is not direct. It is similar to a parliamentary form where the representatives elect among themselves the federation president and the same way they elect to vote him or her out due to lack of confidence. This insulates them from external political maneuvering and encourages autonomy in their decision-making.

The challenges:

1.     Resources. Funding for the youth federation is mainly sourced through the SK fund but they have to explore other means of generating funds in order to be more independent. 

2.     Their role may become in limbo once the SK law is passed. But this creates an opportunity for the new SK to see the youth federation as their clearly defined constituency. The SK then acts as the official representatives of the federation in barangay governance. The SK is no longer alone in overseeing the affairs of the youth. Also, in the other side, the federation can influence policy and leadership of the SK as their constituents.

3.     Youth Agenda Articulation. The youth org must strive to transcend from being seen as mere manpower or events organizer of the barangay. They should be able to articulate and measure their development and influence policy based on that.  This requires constant capacity building and citizenship education in order to solidify this culture.