Friday, February 29, 2008


We marched out campus with a stick and snare, whistles hanging on our necks, posters, and a couple of cans and rocks. We were set to do our first attempt to disturb people, to make their head turn in the hopes of making them listen. Around 6:00 pm we began the barrage of cans, whistles, and drums. It seized instant attention to the people across the street. Some stood in amusement, some captured the moment through their gadgets, some laughed furiously, some joined, some didn’t even mind. The noise we are creating made them turn their heads and read; some even participated by honking, by shouting with us.

Having the noise barrage in 3 days have its fair share of awkwardness and fear. It was awkward because it is something of a deviation of the norm; it was fearful because it exposed us to the misinterpretations and misguided labelling of others. This mix of emotions made me think in the midst of the deafening noise about the whole essence of the activity. I looked at the big blue banner; “We stand for the truth” and I added “ and for the truth alone”. The truth that has yet to surface after the web of lies and deceits is what we are calling for. We do not seek the ouster of the President nor the giving the support to any individual, we are simply seeking for the truth, calling all our leaders in both sides to serve the truth, and reminding the people to be critical in seeking for the truth. We want to transmit this simple message to the public in the hopes of making them aware and critical and I see that a noise barrage is one precise and effective way.

At the end of the day, seeking for the truth do not solely equate to investigating our leaders and their trades but it has everything to do with examining our very selves. This noise for truth is in fact a disturber not just for the public but it is for each and every one of us. We are reminded to be disturbed of our own noise from within. We are reminded to think for ourselves and rise above from our interior noise and be critical in this very fluid situation. I would always think that the leaders that we have is a clear refection of what we are as a people. Sad thought but it is true. The corruption that we experience in government, as systemic and embedded as it is, is a magnified picture of our lifestyle as individuals. Therefore, after the noise has settled, after people listen and start to think, we should look back within ourselves, our actions, our lifestyle, reflect and spot the silent and flash actions of corruption. Seeking for something invisible, systemic and imbedded as corruption is a great challenge but it is in the very effort where personal reform begins. Let our quest for truth start from there, from with in. The country has become what it is now because of its people. Then let us be the change we want this country to be.

Veritas Liberabit Vos!

Monday, February 25, 2008

The 15th Agenda

“The challenge now is to bridge our vision with our experience, and to realize that vital link with sound policies and mechanisms.”

After scanning the archives of the past Directorates, I slowly digested the meat of the mission at hand and true enough, it helped me form a precise and clear vision what the 15TH Directorate is capable of doing and what it ought to accomplish in 10 months of it in power. It is more than luck that we are in the helm when Xavier University hits its Diamond Year; it is really a blessing and at the same time a disturber. We are blessed because we are in the hype of things. The momentum is being laid before us by all players in the community because of the excitement of being 75. It is a disturber because we are then called to be more than what is expected of us. We are called to break from the past in a much higher trajectory and face the new chapter of our school’s history. It is then good to note that there is no place for complacency and satisfaction, there is only room for brightness, strength and precision. Our Student leadership should stem from these characteristic of a diamond. The challenge now is to bridge the vision with experience and animate the link with sound policy and mechanisms.

Note: I feel secure when I jot down all my thoughts especially during the “visioning” stage.

“A Directorate who constantly works to innovate and explore new ideas and policies, who improves but do not compromise tradition and as much as possible, extract the brightest possible potential of every mission at hand.”


  1. Substance over from legislation

  2. Policies prioritize according to need

  3. Invest in “Think Tank” student circles in policy making producing creative solutions

“A Directorate whose strength comes from its capacity to compassionately listen to the concerns of the students, and its ability to magnify and facilitate those concerns truthfully to the proper authorities”


  1. Leaders of the Roundtable talks / Leveling

  2. One-on-one consultation with presidents and orgs

  3. Vigilant probing on issues we could address, grassroots consultation mechanism

“A Directorate who is fully conscious of its mission, who precisely knows what it needs to improve, uphold and protect, whose vision doesn’t fall short on students' concerns but also gives focus on concerns of the nation.”


  1. We know what is needed ( campus and national socio-political updater)

  2. We know where we stand (consensus building on decisions)

  3. We know how to do it (skills training in collaboration with SacDev)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Being called as the largest Christian nation in Asia is not a label to be proud of anymore in the present predicament we are in where corruption allegations, deceit, and manipulation because of greed and power cast a dark shadow on our character as a people. And the sad thing is it is not new, it has become a national habit. It is a frightening reality we need to face. We have to accept the truth that corruption is the greatest shame we have as a people. What is more bitter is the fact that the people in position, the people who play with power are the clear reflections of what we have become as a nation, as a people. We may lag behind material possessions or we may have just focused in getting it so much that we have forgotten the true measure, the true wealth of a nation – the moral fiber of its people. This message then is a call for all of us to remind ourselves that the culture of corruption should be countered with our faith and morality. Corruption has grown into a national cancer yet continually fed with the roots that ground in our very psyche as a person. Let us not go directly to the streets and protest, let us first retreat within ourselves and search the “ZTE” in each one of us, the politics of greed in us, the manipulations we’ve committed, the cover-ups we’ve contrived, the deceits we’ve made, and the “favors” we’ve served. Let us start from there, identifying our faults, accepting them and then reforming them. Let us now see ourselves only in the eyes of truth and from there begin to reform our families, classmates and community. Let the pursuit of truth become the habit, let it live in our actions and words, and let us preserve it with the highest zeal. The country has become what it is now because of its people. Then be the change you want this country to be. Veritas Liberabit Vos!

Monday, February 18, 2008


I personally identified that one of the top three concerns the student government should give emphasis upon is the Academic Development of the student body. It is more than fitting that we invest on this as we enter into our 75th anniversary because it contributes to the “more precise understanding of our mission as a university in its 75th year”. It is also one of the reason of the CSG's existance This has been a long program banner since I could recall and it is very well under the “Competence” section of the party’s platform. It is good to note that the Hapsah administration instantiated the “Panudlo” program, a collaborative and simultaneous tutorials before major exams. It was manned by the different co and extra curricular organization. Another auxiliary program is the Book Fair where textbooks are being sold in a much lower price. Other programs were initiated such that also tapped the oral and written competencies of the students. What this present administration should do is to sustain and innovate the initiated programs of the past. We should reinforce these programs with a long-term oriented trajectory design that could cover not only 10 months but half a decade.

In the context of student governance, Academic Development is the conscious and tangible enhancement of the academic performance and interest of the students. Our challenge now as student leaders is to create a sustainable and realistic long-term program whose core characteristic is the formation of formal partnerships with the research units of the university, schools and colleges, and academic oriented student organization. Through combined efforts, the CSG could effectively and efficiently implement and sustain this academic program. We ought to create partnerships that doesn’t only inform but a partnership that provides collaboration and technical assistance. Beginning with simple reminders and activities, we can encourage study time during break, raise awareness on the proper study tips and habits through leaflets and seminars, research and debate on campus and local issues, and the institutionalization of tutorial sessions as a permanent activity in the student organization’s GPOA. The 2nd level of this program is the implementation of alternative classes which opens the opportunity to learn other fields. We should lobby for this initiative as soon as possible. We should also formally recognize students who contributed greatly in their field through their research and accomplishments. Through this approach of student leaders recognizing student scientists and inventors, we can actually send a positive signal to the community that we deeply value academic excellence. In sum, academic development is not only the concern of the deans and teachers; it should be realized by the collective effort of everybody. The ideas that I mentioned above are some of the tangible things we can really do to fulfill our mission as a university. We should always be aware that we serve a community who values the relentless pursuit for the truth. The best way to serve the truth is to seek and spread it in the best possible and creative way.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Given by a mandate by the voters of XU 2008 Elections, I resolve that I shall faithfully and passionately exercise my powers and responsibility as second – in – command, as convener, and as a community organizer of XU.

The Vice-Presidential service list is still conceived upon the party’s thrust of creating a “collaborative, synergized and holistic leadership for an involved student body in service of faith that does justice”. This 10-point legislative agenda aims to establish a new trend in CSG governance, to sustain its momentum and to propel it towards a long term development agenda in student leadership and community development. These programs must be designed to engage the student community as a whole directly or indirectly through their respective college councils. The agenda focuses on the following: an accountable, consultative and responsive CSG, emphasis on Academic development, and enhancement of student participation and involvement. The underlying principles that guide the following agendas are as follows:

1. Down-Up direction of empowerment (student organization mobilization)

2. Collaborative and Synergized efforts of implementation (creating links)

3. Consultative in conception (starts from the students)

4. Holistic in approach (implemented with the students)

5. Grassroots in movement (all goes back to the students)

(Arbie’s New Trend ideology + Tonton’s Interdependence concept)^teamwork = A new and better CSG

  1. Directorate sponsored monthly (every 3rd Wednesday of the month) consultation forum (creation of a literature that serves as the guiding compass of the president) which is open to the willing public and discuses pertinent campus issues and create solutions.
  2. Centralized online information dissemination system of student activities through the creation of an online bulletin and direct communication link via text, email and blog.
  3. Formation of the Xavier Students’ Concern Center as an auxiliary arm of the STRAW Commission.
  4. Academic Development and student organization mobilization through Alternative Classes and lobbying for the creation of academic varsities such as the debating circle.
  5. Emphasis on Cultural and Artistic development through the creation of the CSG Department of Culture and Arts.
  6. Redefinition of FSSID which focuses on community outreach, issue advocacy and awareness, spiritual development (institutionalization of inter-faith dialogues), and a formal and permanent partnership with the KKP-SIP.
  7. Monthly council based facilities monitoring system
  8. Institutionalization of the Ateneo Leaders League as the official CSG Leadership formation program for XU high school and grade school students.
  9. Promotion of transparency and accountability through a bi-monthly Presidential address on the state of the Central Student Government (incorporate projects planned and implemented with financial flow reports).
  10. Widening student participation of the XU Students’ Involvement Program. The Involvement program needs to expand to accommodate not only the student organizations and college councils but also other willing and able parties

Recommendation: An eye catching, witty, and creative brand name that encapsulates the thrust of the year’s administration is very essential in promoting the CSG’s activities, in establishing its identity and for efficient and effective marketing. This should be given emphasis during the planning process.

E.g. [i]UNITASS, Just do It!, myGOV, Alang Kanimo,

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Why me?

The vocation of leadership is relatively new to me. It began in the junior year in high school with a thought about people and events coming to life from the old pages of history books. It all started with my great admiration of men and women who made history. I pondered upon these great souls and wondered about a simple possibility of “what if”. What if I was in their shoes, in their place, in their bodies facing that very event in that very moment? What will I do? How will I do it? Why will I do it? This reoccurring series of questions filled my mind from time to time. It was not long that I realized that looking up to great men and women of history will end up deeply looking back to myself. An amazement of history was turned into a personal quest for meaning. It is in this constant retrospective exercise and eagerness to touch and experience the world in flux that widened my view and saw the greater picture of reality. Leadership is not anymore out there to gain as what I previously saw but an inward search for the self which I will nurture and share. These great realizations from simple questions started it all.

one of the people I look up to

It was in the junction between my college and high school life where my appropriation of leadership took root. It has transcended from the quest of meaning to a level where loving service is its perfect manifestation. Bearing these strengths of the self into good fruits is the prime challenge of leadership. This is what I passionately believe in. Leadership is all about taking care of the heart and the mind by grounding it on faith, filling it with good matter, with good thoughts, and good intentions, and animating them through different acts of service; a committed and loving service whose forefront are the less fortunate, the people who can’t even think for themselves and especially those who don’t even care.

Now that I am I a new context – college life, a new level of maturity, and a new level of responsibility, it is only fitting and appropriate to give back what I am gaining, what I love, and what I am learning in proportion to a larger and greater community – XU. It is in this manner that I can fully express my love and faith through the community and through the lives I serve. I ran because of this faith that calls me to do more for others than what is being called for. This is why I am running for office, the CSG vice-presidency in particular. (Positions help to get your point across quickly and effectively). The powers and responsibilities that entail this office are instrumental in the promotion of justice in a larger scale through its legislative power and the holistic development of students through its representative function. As the convenor of the Directorate, I have the capacity to mediate the strengths, the ideas, and the energies of the different councils and organizations. This position can be exercised to significantly develop how organizations and councils are being led. Aside from its pivot role, it also serves as the legislative body that could directly address concerns and needs of the students.

In the eternal words of Fr. Arrupe, “Fall in love, stay in love, it will decide everything”. I decided to fall and stay in love in the belief that a community’s greatest possible potential can only come to life through a leadership that is grounded on faith in God and love of self and others which I hold so dearly.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Complementary Angles

I think it’s high time to mention a unique business partner I’ve been working with through the years of my life. An “eventologist” and cerebral maniac working together on events and activities for 3 years in a row is a simple story yet deserves to be told. This partner is Michael Ho, a person who I see as a future brand, a future events guru, a future trend maker in the world of lifestyle and parties. His persona stands in contrast to my “formal”, “nerdy”, and calculated approach on things. But still we’ve been in back to back events from High School to College. I think this story needs to be told because it shows the powerful idea of complementing strengths and filling weaknesses. He fills my weakness and vise versa. This dynamic partnership continues to move with the events that we organize. I pretty much create the structure and order while he fills it with his overflowing creative juices. I advise you to look for people who are not necessarily standing with the same tastes as you but be with people who can fill your voids.