Monday, February 11, 2008


Given by a mandate by the voters of XU 2008 Elections, I resolve that I shall faithfully and passionately exercise my powers and responsibility as second – in – command, as convener, and as a community organizer of XU.

The Vice-Presidential service list is still conceived upon the party’s thrust of creating a “collaborative, synergized and holistic leadership for an involved student body in service of faith that does justice”. This 10-point legislative agenda aims to establish a new trend in CSG governance, to sustain its momentum and to propel it towards a long term development agenda in student leadership and community development. These programs must be designed to engage the student community as a whole directly or indirectly through their respective college councils. The agenda focuses on the following: an accountable, consultative and responsive CSG, emphasis on Academic development, and enhancement of student participation and involvement. The underlying principles that guide the following agendas are as follows:

1. Down-Up direction of empowerment (student organization mobilization)

2. Collaborative and Synergized efforts of implementation (creating links)

3. Consultative in conception (starts from the students)

4. Holistic in approach (implemented with the students)

5. Grassroots in movement (all goes back to the students)

(Arbie’s New Trend ideology + Tonton’s Interdependence concept)^teamwork = A new and better CSG

  1. Directorate sponsored monthly (every 3rd Wednesday of the month) consultation forum (creation of a literature that serves as the guiding compass of the president) which is open to the willing public and discuses pertinent campus issues and create solutions.
  2. Centralized online information dissemination system of student activities through the creation of an online bulletin and direct communication link via text, email and blog.
  3. Formation of the Xavier Students’ Concern Center as an auxiliary arm of the STRAW Commission.
  4. Academic Development and student organization mobilization through Alternative Classes and lobbying for the creation of academic varsities such as the debating circle.
  5. Emphasis on Cultural and Artistic development through the creation of the CSG Department of Culture and Arts.
  6. Redefinition of FSSID which focuses on community outreach, issue advocacy and awareness, spiritual development (institutionalization of inter-faith dialogues), and a formal and permanent partnership with the KKP-SIP.
  7. Monthly council based facilities monitoring system
  8. Institutionalization of the Ateneo Leaders League as the official CSG Leadership formation program for XU high school and grade school students.
  9. Promotion of transparency and accountability through a bi-monthly Presidential address on the state of the Central Student Government (incorporate projects planned and implemented with financial flow reports).
  10. Widening student participation of the XU Students’ Involvement Program. The Involvement program needs to expand to accommodate not only the student organizations and college councils but also other willing and able parties

Recommendation: An eye catching, witty, and creative brand name that encapsulates the thrust of the year’s administration is very essential in promoting the CSG’s activities, in establishing its identity and for efficient and effective marketing. This should be given emphasis during the planning process.

E.g. [i]UNITASS, Just do It!, myGOV, Alang Kanimo,

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

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