Thursday, February 21, 2008


Being called as the largest Christian nation in Asia is not a label to be proud of anymore in the present predicament we are in where corruption allegations, deceit, and manipulation because of greed and power cast a dark shadow on our character as a people. And the sad thing is it is not new, it has become a national habit. It is a frightening reality we need to face. We have to accept the truth that corruption is the greatest shame we have as a people. What is more bitter is the fact that the people in position, the people who play with power are the clear reflections of what we have become as a nation, as a people. We may lag behind material possessions or we may have just focused in getting it so much that we have forgotten the true measure, the true wealth of a nation – the moral fiber of its people. This message then is a call for all of us to remind ourselves that the culture of corruption should be countered with our faith and morality. Corruption has grown into a national cancer yet continually fed with the roots that ground in our very psyche as a person. Let us not go directly to the streets and protest, let us first retreat within ourselves and search the “ZTE” in each one of us, the politics of greed in us, the manipulations we’ve committed, the cover-ups we’ve contrived, the deceits we’ve made, and the “favors” we’ve served. Let us start from there, identifying our faults, accepting them and then reforming them. Let us now see ourselves only in the eyes of truth and from there begin to reform our families, classmates and community. Let the pursuit of truth become the habit, let it live in our actions and words, and let us preserve it with the highest zeal. The country has become what it is now because of its people. Then be the change you want this country to be. Veritas Liberabit Vos!

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