Saturday, October 14, 2006

oct. 14, 2006

special day! why? because i witnessed so as vicky, melmel, ed, weng, gellie and katlin (also some Robinson's staff) a rare thing. Ray gave celeste a bouquet of flowers worth millions in the 2nd floor of Limketkai Mall after 5 minutes of spontaneous hide and go seek with celeste and ray! Here is the story: The original plan: the original plan was to surprise cese with flowers given by ray at the center of the mall but sale man so occupied. Sa 2nd floor na lng. The 2nd plan: The 2nd plan was to cover her eyes and ray would just appear with the flowers. What really happened: It turned out to be a very intelligent and ingenious 1-second shift of protocol. Ray hid on a utility door rather than facing her directly. I covered cese's eyes and led her to the door believing that there was a dress that is perfect for her (melmel was the dress consultant) which took about 3 min due to disturbances of communication. When she opened her eyes, ray immerged bearing the flowers and gosh... it was a site to see. Two human beings having mutual care expressed it in a level which is not quite common in a CDO mall. Ray gave the flowers and cese was surprised with tears! The task was a success... Another day's work. By the way b4 this happened, we watched Breed... a suspense about crazy, blood-thirsty and very intelligent pack of dogs who love eating people. That's all

LESSON: Love is magical. Planned tasks can change in the last minute when its about emotions. Mingaw and Ketkai 2nd floor. It pays to be innovative, big time!

Thought of the day: People and rubber bands have one thing in common: they must be stretched to be effective. Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shucks! That's so sweet! We did something like that too as well... It was just a surprise visit by a close friend to a person who will be leaving and will never come back... we covered her eyes though. Hehehe!