Saturday, September 29, 2007

to english 17

The Divine Ratio or Phi (1.6) made me wonder...


You may not be aware of it or you may have not heard of it; but you are living in a universe created with such a precise tune that it leaves us with a big space to stare in amazement and contemplate its awesomeness. This discovery seems to prove the existence of an intelligent designer. This discovery is said to be the blueprint of his design, his trademark in creation. It is the Golden Ratio, the Phi, It is 1.6. It is a number with an ancient history. It was discovered by the early Greek thinkers who were fond of measuring the ratio of the plants and body parts. To their amazement, their calculations seem to be in a consistent agreement to a simple ratio of 1.6. They were so fascinated with its properties that they applied it in the construction of their great buildings. Even the Parthenon and the Egyptian pyramids were built with the Phi as its standard measurement.

As human civilization developed, so as its fetish with the implications of the ratio. Great minds in the middle ages and the Renaissance pondered over this simple number. The implication of the ratio began to branch out from mathematics to architecture, cosmology, biology, arts, music, and even to the supernatural. The great works of Leonardo da Vinci such as the Vitruvian man presents the ratios of the human body and so as the Mona Lisa which employs the golden ratio in its geometric equivalents. In nature, the golden ratio presents itself abundantly. The spiral of a seashell reveals the golden ratio, also expressed in the arrangement of branches along the stems of plants and of veins in leaves and even to the proportions of chemical compounds and the geometry of crystals. In the far reaches of the universe, even the spiral galaxies express the golden ratio. The list of matter which is created upon the seemingly mystical ratio keeps on growing. Scientists today are still looking at its application and properties while we students just mesmerize its uncanny existence in creation. This discovery opens a mysterious part of reality where fascination is the prerequisite of understanding. The Phi shows a reality that somehow bridges us to the divine. It may just be a grand coincidence or the very fingerprint of God in creation, but thing is for sure, the things around us different as there are posses a commonality, a connection, a uniformity that drives us to search for its ultimate source - GOD.

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