Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Being NSTP Class Facilitator

My stint as the class facilitator of the CWTS L class known as “The Leadership Formation Class” together with Crystal (BSAC II) had a tremendous force of impact that has somehow reshaped how I see people and authority. I guess this has something to do with having the responsibility to live out what you teach in the NSTP class, having the responsibility to shepherd people, and having that unique opportunity to form others. I believe this three best capture the thoughts that stirred me during the duration of my facilitation. I hope to give out a message to those who are interested in being a KKP volunteer and specifically a NSTP Class facilitator. This is not an easy task because it entails tremendous amounts of patience, large amounts of energy to wake up before 7:00 am, and a sort of “pleasing personality” which I guess could be learned. Equally important are skills such as communicating, organizing, and synthesizing. But the whole beauty of the experience is that you can learn all of these things one moment at a time. Sort of a on the job training but don’t worry, KKP provides skills development workshop before the start of the year. Anyhow, back to the meat. The experience taught me about credibility. The idea that you do what you speak. This is a great challenge for me because I often times forget what I say and do things contrary to what I say. One good example is being generous and sensitive. I feel ashamed knowing I haven’t done much to those beggars who come begging me for money or food, or to the lines of under aged prostitutes lining across the street from my house. And this really led me to question my own sincerity up to this point. I am just being frank and honest. As fallible as I am, I am challenged to continuously recheck my values and to continuously explore ways where I could do something starting in my own home. Second is the chance to shepherd and form people. To me, this is the most rewarding experience. I was given the right environment to diffuse my insights and by sheer osmosis, I hope to contaminate them with that itch to get involved. And this also bears a great amount of responsibility and of course, credibility. It is all connected. In sum, beyond the satisfying feeling of control and influence, the best part of being an NSTP facilitator regardless of what kind of class it is, is to see your students unfold before you, to see your students realize that they themselves have the power to change things. Just give them the right tools and the correct reason to believe.

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