Thursday, January 14, 2010

The RepublikaNeri STATE

After the natural drama of my brothers’ departure for Canada, I have found myself possessing an entire room. A room! I now have a room I can call my own! You see, we are mostly a communal family and this goes along with the property relations that govern the hose hold. With this new found “independent” territory I inherited, I am a step closer in forming my own imaginative state! I always wanted to have this sort of independent space and now I have it. Thinking in a political framework, I know have a territory (my room), I now have a “people” (myself), I also have sovereignty over the properties herein. One thing missing on constitute a state is a government. The best way to express this home “government” is the institution of rules inside my small state. For the meantime, my basic law constitutes 5 basic policies. These are:

  1. 1. Clean As You Go
  2. 2. Conserve Energy
  3. 3. Be Productive
  4. 4. Sharpen your Mind and Body
  5. 5. Pray Always

There you have it. My childish mind coupled with a fantasy of governing a state finds its expression in my little room. I can now begin to order it in a manner that reflects my values and principles. This little experiment has highlighted that order and prosperity is a derivative of private ownership.

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