Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Role of Filipino Youth - A talk in SM

I would like to start off with this question: “why do we young people need to get involved?” I’ll give three basic reasons why we need to get involved. First, there is present and clear need. The nation needs us more than ever by virtue of the problems that we see plaguing our country. Second, we are in the best position to help. When I say we, I mean we, the people listening here. We are the once who are educated, who have the opportunity to listen to these kinds of things and the opportunity to learn against the millions of our peers who can’t afford to even go to school. You have the upper hand and it is our moral obligation to make good use out of it. We also have the overflowing creativity and idealism that can be channelled towards change and development. And the third reason is our very future is at stake. The very future we are hoping, we are building now maybe at stake. These three basic reasons should at least compel to do something and this then moves to our roles we young people can assume in this present time.

The first role we can conveniently take is the ideas generator. This role flows from our natural creativity and innovativeness as young people. Let us then employ this advantage of being unburdened by the past and fresh in the present for the development of our people. Let us use or art, our music, our social networks and fuse it with our creativity to spread the message of action. Second role I can deduce is being the mass catalysts for change. By the sheer size in terms of population and energy in terms of idealism, we can literality move mountains. So for us to do that, we should begin to think that we are the primary change agents and with that mind set, it is easy for the millions of youth to unite for action. So let us channel our idealism and energy into cause/civic groups, student organizations, community or church groups that exposes us to how it is to help build our nation. Lastly, we should in a way, influence our elders. Oftentimes, we overturn the rules of nature by influencing our elders, our older leaders through our good deeds and that great sense of hope so they maybe constantly reminded who they are labouring for – that is our future. So constantly communicate to your parents, share your hopes and your dreams because maybe just maybe, they could get extra energy and inspiration to work harder for our country.

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