Saturday, January 08, 2011

Being Central Student Government President 2

Being Central Student Government President 2

The semester is about to end and the conclusion of the first half of the academic year gives a sense relief and reflection in my mission as CSG President.

Many ask and wonder, did the whole semester and the demands of the presidency sucked out the energy in me? Did I become more “realistic” about certain things I considered Ideal when I started? Did I trust people less? Did I become cynical?

Now that the semester is setting, It is safe to asses my sanity in this respect. With all the pressures and expectations, one thing in particular defined how I see my mission in the student government. It is the realization that the whole grace of shepherding a flock or leading a student body is having the honor and opportunity to enter into other people’s lives.

I may not realistically lead all the 10,000 students defined by the constitution as CSG’s constituents or my 10,000 bosses. But every a time a student comes to the office bearing with him/her concern or problem and with an ounce of hope that the student government can do something about it, this brings forth a surge of energy in me because I can actually see my place and the student government’s place in the greater scheme of things.

It is having this opportunity to be a part of the solution of their most basic problems and concerns that keep me energized, that keep me going, and that keep me working for the mission. From calling an office to drain an accumulating pool of water that is becoming a mosquito breeding ground, to a student who chatted to me that he and his block mates are doing the P-E-C-A-L. From a team mate in the office who thanked me for the trust and opportunity given to him, to facilitating a complaint of a student who was unfairly treated by his teacher. From a Student Assistant thanking us of having this chance to form an organization, to a student who can’t afford to lose some library books. I can simply brush it aside as part of my job description but THIS IS grace. I see it as grace. It is grace because it is an opportunity presented by someone above to be part of making something good. This is something beyond myself, beyond comfortable. Ultimately, these actions serve as a channel for me to see and communicate to God and how he plays in all of these student government affairs.

I think this is primarily what public service is all about. It is standing up for justice in behalf of others who can’t stand up for themselves because it is the right thing to do. Now more work to be done.

Tonton Neri

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