Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A small sharing about student governance to the next generation

Zipping hot coffee,

I spent a meaningful evening with the potential CSG leaders for next year. My message is technical yet important for any person to occupy a position of authority and of public trust. In the context of student governance, it is important they we should first organize what concerns/issues we shall engage in a limited time span and with limited resources. Explore all roots of the issue and base action programs and engage policies from there. Second, know the political dynamics of the university. Know the key players, the head of offices, the personalities and the system/culture at work so we can better engage them. And finally, educate yourself about politics and the political process.

Student governance is an interesting mission. We are given the chance to do something for the students with greater impact. We are given the chance to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. We are given the chance to serve.

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