Sunday, October 23, 2011

Why do I support the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill?

Why do I support the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill?

I’m neither a sociologist nor a theologian. I do not wish to pretend to be an expert in this complex issue. I only speak as a citizen and student. So What I do wish to share is the very basics why I believe, in principle, that an RH Bill should become law. I only would like to touch on the aspect of modern and natural family planning.   

It is the responsibility of the State to educate and provide its people, catholic or non-catholic, all available lawful means for family planning, natural or modern. The Philippines is not just a country of Catholics.
I also believe that it is the responsibility of the Catholic Church or any religious denomination for that matter to enlighten their respective congregation on matters of family planning in accordance to their religious beliefs or doctrines. As a catholic and student of a catholic institution, I understand that the Church’s stand is clear: artificial contraceptives are not in line with God’s design. However, I also understand that we can’t impose such belief as a state policy since the state does not represent the Catholics alone.  This is best explained by Fr. Bernas, S.J. shared in his article “My stand on the RH Bill”.

I am very much aware of the fact that we live in a pluralist society where various religious groups have differing beliefs about the morality of artificial contraception. But freedom of religion means more than just the freedom to believe. It also means the freedom to act or not to act according to what one believes. Hence, the state should not prevent people from practicing responsible parenthood according to their religious belief nor may churchmen compel President Aquino, by whatever means, to prevent people from acting according to their religious belief. As the “Compendium on the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church” says, “Because of its historical and cultural ties to a nation, a religious community might be given special recognition on the part of the State. Such recognition must in no way create discrimination within the civil or social order for other religious groups” and “Those responsible for government are required to interpret the common good of their country not only according to the guidelines of the majority but also according to the effective good of all the members of the community, including the minority.”

Lastly, we don’t have to look at the heaves to see the harsh reality of our poor neighbours. They are trapped in this cycle of mentality which falsely assures them that more children mean more possible sources of income. Having too many mouths to feed at the very least diminishes the possibility of this family to overcome such economic constraint. The State should not sit idly by so as the Church. The State should provide all possible ways to help these families plan their family size and the Church should inform them what method they shall choose. At the end, itis a right to have an informed choice – natural or modern methods of family planning that should be upheld.  

The intent of this entry is to encourage students to also articulate their stand on this issue. This is my crude attempt to ignite such conversation since being in a Catholic school; there is a silent fear that voicing such opposing view might raise the ire of some ultra-conservative teachers. This should not be the case. The School on the other hand should encourage more debates and discussion about the matter so students can form their own opinion, not let others form it for them. 

1 comment:

djuna said...

hello, cousin. it seems clear to me that you chose law as your profession because you want to do what is right for God, our country and people but you cannot do this if you are not in full possession of the facts. for example, this bill ostensibly sounds beneficial but i invite you to read up on official literature such as UN's agenda 21, the millennium development goals, Plato's Republic, bertrand russell's Impact of Science on Society, aldous huxley's Brave New World or h.g. wells' The Shape of Things to Come (just to mention a few) and you will see much deeper into how this great big plan to benefit mankind came to be. you may not like what you find but truth is certainly what you must seek out for yourself.