Saturday, October 08, 2011

The foundation of studying smart

After a long time, I am finally back blogging. The demands of Law school have prevented me from doing so. Nonetheless, law school first year first semester is about to end and I can’t even begin to enumerate the interesting changes and new insights that spurred from this initial life changing experience we call Law school. To begin with, studying everyday is not longer following a good advice; it is already a performance of an obligation which if not met will result to sudden death. Law school brings a whole new meaning to the word “studying”. Studying has become a sort of organism. It has its own complexities and dynamics, behaviour and anatomy, that each of us has to grapple with and understand until the moment we take the bar and beyond. In my case, I just walked a foot in a mile long journey. As any organism, we can understand it by observing it. I do think that by studying how we study the law – which is observing the agent of studying, it will surely help out in the long run. It is vital to know what will make us remember and understand because each one has his own unique way.

All these are ideals that I established for myself to at least “operationalize” in my daily dealings as a student of the law. Studying is just one aspect of so many aspects in law school. Ultimately, the foundation of studying smart is really understanding your own mind in how it processes input – know thyself.

This is just my brain talking. I have yet to put this into practice. 

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