Thursday, November 02, 2006

the making of a personal philosophy

Last summer, I invested days reading online texts and books about the philosophies of ancient thinkers like Socrates and Aristotle. I hope that I would strike at some nugget of wisdom that would somehow magically crystallize the age all question of: “What is the purpose of life”. For several weeks, I searched the internet, the modern day oracle but still not satisfied. I watched good movies hoping to look for philosophical connections in the plots but still not satisfied. I bought and read books but still not satisfied. I did almost everything in the Teenager’s Guide to Philosophy manual, but to no avail. Then I began to do something that I forgot to do in the whole duration of my quest; I forgot to think. After I exhausted almost every effort in this mind quest this is the thing that I forgot to do; to contemplate and to think deeply. I was so engrossed in reading the contexts of books that I forgot the main faculty that made them write those things. Socrates was right, Philosophy begins with the faculty of wonder and that wonder entails deep thinking and contemplation. So this is the spark where my project began. My project is to simply create my own philosophy based on my experiences of life fueled by my reflection and thinking. I really hope and pray that the people reading this post and up coming posts may also uncover and construct their own personal philosophy. It is really essential to life that we must construct a deep personal principle that would withstand the challenges of time, self and society. So here are the components of my philosophy.

1 comment:

meily said...

woist!! haha. i think some has a secret "loyal" admirer here.. nyahahha!! kidding.. gosh! im still not done reading the book!! PROCASTINATION IS A VIRUS!! hehe.

and.. hmm.. yeah. as we grow old, we gain wisdom and it, itself is our own philosophy in life.. i've noticed the greatest philosophers themselves greatly believed on learnings basing on their very own experiences... therefore, we ought and have the right to make our own... ^_^