Friday, December 01, 2006

2nd Week

Significant happenings of the week report. It has been a long time since I posted here cz my life is just too fast. This week was the official wearing of the school uniform hence forth. Honestly, I love wearing the uniform with a reason which reason itself can’t understand. Ganahan lng gyud ko. What pisses me off is the fact that my Wednesday is not washday but PE uniform day! Sayang akong mga sanina. Pero that’s ok anyway…

Work/School: I find all my classes interesting, especially PE! PE, I just love moving my body (dancing bah!). In English, I had a fun time tapping the desk trying to analyze a poem’s rhythm. Try this: If you listen to the rhythm of Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening, it resembles the galloping of the traveler’s horse. Amazing! Sa accounting, its really funny because si sir kay hilig mag graffiti! His illustrations in the board are full of lego size drawings! Kasabot man sad so ok lng. Pol Sci, my personal favorite! I just like the teacher! Maka in love! Brilliant kayo bai! Si Mrs. Soriano. She will be gone from Dec 2 to 9 cz she will be going to Australia to read a paper in front an international audience! The rest of my subjects are quite ok, nothing to say actually aside that it’s not really that sober.

hmmm… I’m still in the shift gear but now slowly settling to normal. I am really having a great time with the new domain because people are just friendly. I haven’t felt any disturbances in the Force yet, which means I don’t sense any hypocrites around. I still have lots to develop in this new phase of life like: memorizing names, greeting people effectively, contemplative in action… Sus!

Self: My interest about the Star Wars saga is really getting a beat up now a days. I just love the concept of the Jedi thing. It is so Jesuit! So don’t mind me if I keep on saying about the Force. The Force is actually God.

God: God is the Force of All things.

Thought of the Week: “Love everyone or perish” – Morrie


Unknown said...

Dugay lagi ka post kuya... been checking, even ate Mel's... ah well... hehehe...

I like P.E. myself. Except that we were asked to tuck in our t-shirts exposing our backside all throughout the session. But at least, no more skirts!!! Pants domination!!!

Hahaha! Bibbo kid award is given to kuya Ernie! Hehehe... Hmmm... very creative teacher I got to say. You can't find teachers like that anymore... Wow! Australia?! That's awesome!

May the force be with you... *I'm Obi-1*


Now, define 'perish'... I'm serious...

Unknown said...

Hehehe! I'm not asking for the maning of 'perish' kuya. I know it already... I'm asking you to tell me how or to what extent should I perish if I don't love someone... Really deep huh? I think loving someone is dying. You can't get enough of him or her and you always hope for her to be safe everyday that it would drive you nuts just to leave him or her on his or her own. Just like our parents. I already have my share of loving... but that's not important! The point is... why am I preaching???

Unknown said...

That would be her in your point of view... hehehe...