Friday, December 01, 2006

Philosophy Project Note 2

The concept of Work, School and Studies

“Understand the Fundamentals then you can play with things”

Letting your thoughts touch only the roof of a building can’t give you any good at all. In order to understand why the structure is standing we need to go deep in its foundation and then go outwards. This practice of fundamental comprehension is a great tool in accelerating our learning in any field. We simply need to link our personal ideas to the fundamental ideas of the discipline of interest then the rest will smoothly follow.

“Work, Work: God, God”

Work without any concept of God is useless. Work not only for others but work for God. For God is the source, the process and the end of all human endeavors.

Accounting: It is basically an art. It is n art of balancing, analyzing and writing. What drives me to study accounting is the fact that in every event in this world, there is an effect. Every simple digit has a meaning and this simply amazes me! Debit? Credit? What the heck! If you only see the magnificent fundamental concept of accounting which is event and result, it simply assures you that all acts we do in our lives, there is always an effect. Everyday is the product of our thoughts yesterday. Garbe aha na abot ang accounting!?!?!?! Hahahaha

Political Science:
“Human beings are political animals”; the immortal words of Aristotle. He is right! Why? Because politics deals with influence, we in one way of another radiate influence to our surroundings. So what is my fundamental thought for Pol Sci? it is the need for me to be informed of the norms and systems man have developed for themselves in order to attain the ideal society. Yup, it somehow reflects on my individuality for my development to the ideal self.

English 34.1: Simply saying, I’m part of humanity and Literature is the extension of human expression and thoughts thus I am obliged to comprehend and appreciate it.

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