Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We, the 15th Directorate made our first resolution reading and approval in our 9th session this evening. We have passed our confirmation resolution and our 1st issue resolution concerning the AECO funding. The whole democratic process made me think how unique and different our job is as a legislative body. We use words to get our point across, we craft resolutions to express our action, and we polish statements to move people from within. It is quite a challenging world. And a very famous maxim popped up in my head - "deeds are more powerful than words" which somehow depressed our efforts. In the contrary, this branch of government is of equal power in deeds because we provide the articulation of an action, a written testament of our works of justice and statements of our vision that will forever be in the history books of CSG. It reminds me of the great works of man in paper such as the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. Just words.

So this thought gave me comfort and energy and a more reasonable interpretation of the maxim above. deeds without words is half complete, sometimes blind. And actions coupled with inspiring words are powerful.

Obama mentioned that "I have a dream" are just words, "That all men are created equal" are just words, "The greatest fear is fear itself" are just words yet they moved a nation, they inspired a generation, they marked history and I hope we could do the same in the Directorate.

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