Thursday, April 02, 2009

Little Things of Change

The Directorate is the highest policy making body of the Central Student Government. If you recall your Pol Sci class, it is the equivalent of Congress. This year marks the 15th year of the existence of the Directorate and this is the reason why it is called the 15th Directorate. It is an organic body composed of the elected Presidents of the council and 2 sectoral representatives. These are the Chairpersons of the Xavier University – United Religious Organizations and the Assembly of Extra-Curricular Organizations. Their major mandated task is to craft and pass legislation. For the past months in session, here are the key contributions of the 15th Directorate.

Setting the trend Opening of the 15th Directorate– this is the first time the Directorate officially opened witnessed by the Leadership Community and Administration during the summer. It is also where the triumvirate individually addressed the congregation of their vision and plans. We hope to start a tradition of this sort.

Creation of the Xavier Students’ Action Center - Still in its infancy, this center hopes to carry effectively the processing of students’ concerns and complaints.

The integration of the Magna Carta and Student Org Awareness into the new FFP Curriculum – this is a collaborative effort between the Directorate and the Freshmen Formation Program that aims to cultivate the sense of involvement for the freshmen. This is planned to be implemented in the next school year.

Formation of the XU Green Crusade (Legislation Package) – This is a series of enactments that aims to stir the consciousness of students and their council about the need to keep our surroundings clean. This includes the banning of Styr phones from the councils and the initial creation of an autonomous body charge of organizing and implemented environmental initiatives sponsored by the United Arts and Sciences Student Council and XU United Religious Organization through their Green Hour.

The enrolment assistance of our Muslim brothers and sisters – This enactment is applied every time the Holy month of Ramadan falls under enrolment or payment of fees. This hopes to aid our Muslim brothers and sisters in reducing any physical burden in time when they fast and contemplate deeply the presence Allah.

Extra-Curricular operational subsidy – in partnership with the Office of President of the CSG, finally the extra-curricular organizations are given operation capital of Php 5,000 every semester.

Creation of the Xavier University Student Leaders’ Code of Ethics – this is a code that hopes to guide student leaders to be examples of Atenean moral decency.

1st XU Forum – this a gathering of the student leadership community that aims to identify in consensus the major concerns present and future governments should prioritize. We aim that it will become an annual official gathering before the start of the academic year for better and consistent direction setting.

Inclusion of the KKP-Chairman as a member of the Directorate – this is an expansion of the Directorate that aims to gather multiple student orientation especially in the socio-political involvements of students

The Directorate Blog – for transparency, record keeping, and interaction, the Directorate published its first blog. The address is where you can get all the resolutions, statements, enactments, and important documents of the Central Student Government.

Blog to Blog campaign - an experimental initiative, the Directorate tapped the power of the blog world by requesting XU Bloggers to copy and paste the "12 Little Things Every Atenean can do to Help our XU Community" in their own blog sites.This initiative hopes to spur a little sense of responsibility in part of each individual and a ignite a sense of duty to the community. This was also circulated through a Directorate memo around campus. We hope that this little reminder would spur a change in our consciousness.

These are the humble contribution of the Directorate, as a deliberative body to the community. As you can see, these dwell more on the institutional and process development of the government for the student body in our hopes to set our reforms in the long-term. We hope that what we have nurtured would continue to bear good fruits for future generations to come. More has yet to be done.

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